For those people who are looking for Truth or Dare game questions, we have made a compilation of the best ones. We know that this is a super popular game in most countries, regardless of the language. Also, it is quite fun to play with friends or to socialize with new people.
It does not matter how old you are or if you are a child, adolescent, youth or adult. Play Truth or Dare It can be quite entertaining to break the ice or hang out. In the same way that it is quite common for people to play it in meetings or social activities, such as going to drink with friends and thus being able to do challenges in a more uninhibited state; which is why we have also added some questions a bit more strongs.
How to play truth or dare
Many questions for truth or dare, but do you know how the game and its rules work? It is one of the most popular among teenagers, although thanks to this popularity it is already practiced at all ages. Because it is based on answering intimate questions, which will make us know more about the people around us.
For this game, at least 3 players are required and at most about 7. Because if there are more people, the game would take too long. The participants will sit in a circle. One of them will be the first to play and will choose the person to the left to be the second. That is, the turns will be done in a circle.
The game will start with the question of: "Truth or dare?", Which the player on the left has to answer, choosing one of the two. If he chooses true, ask him a question to answer honestly. If it is a challenge, you will have to do some kind of test that is imposed. If someone refuses to answer a question, they will have to make the challenge as required. The rules of the game also indicate that after three 'truths' a 'challenge' has to come.
Once the game has started with the first question or challenge and its resolution, then to continue the turns, it can be done as we have indicated (in a circle) or spinning a bottle that we will have in the center of the human circle and resting on the ground.
Saucy questions for truth or dare
- Have you ever acted as a tourist to get something?
- Have you ever acted crazy in a public place?
- Have you made a fool of yourself in a supermarket?
- Have you ever spied on someone?
- Have you ever talked to yourself out loud?
- Have you ever cheated at school to pass an exam?
- Which of the people in this group do you think has improved their physical appearance?
- What has been the most uncomfortable place where you have had to go to the bathroom?
- What is the funniest dream you've ever had?
- What has been the YouTube video that has caused you the most grace?
- What's the stupidest bet you've ever made?
- What is the cruelest joke you've ever played on someone?
- What's the most childish thing you still do?
- What has been the most irritating situation you've been through in public?
- What has been the most hilarious anecdote your grandparents have told you?
- What has been the biggest white lie you have told your parents?
- What is your personal quality or characteristic that you would like to change?
- What is the dream you most want to achieve?
- What has been your deepest phobia?
- What is your strangest ability?
- What is your hidden talent?
- What has been the most disgusting joke you have ever made in your life?
- What was the worst party you've ever been to?
- What has been your longest period of time without taking a bath?
- Have you done drunk things that you don't remember the next day?
- What's the stupidest thing you've ever done behind the wheel?
- What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
- What's the funniest thing that happened to you on a romantic date?
- What's the most idiotic thing you've ever done for money?
- What's been the craziest thing you've ever done in a mall?
- What's the craziest thing you've done without your parents knowing?
- What is the most malicious thing you have done in your life?
- What bothers you the most?
- What would you do if you won the lottery?
- What would you do if you could travel back in time?
- What would you do if your parents left you at home for a whole week?
- What prejudice do you secretly harbor?
- Who is your favorite person and why?
- Have you sneaked into a private party?
- Have you blown gas while in public?
- Give us a list of 10 items or things you bought and never used or regretted buying
- Describe the strangest dream you have ever had in your life.
- Describe the weirdest dream you've ever had.
- If you were rescuing everyone here from a burning building, but had to leave one behind, who would it be?
- What actor would you like to play you if they made a movie about your life?
- If you were shipwrecked on an island and could choose what to take with you, what would it be?
- If you could be any dinosaur, which one would you be?
- If you could be born someone else, who would you be?
- If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be?
- If you were stranded on a desert island for 5 days, what would you take with you?
- If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?
- What is the strangest thing you have looked for on the internet?
- If you had a remote control, what would you like to control?
- What profession would you never practice?
Strong and bold questions
- Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
- Would you ever consider being a nudist?
- Have you ever cheated on your partner to avoid a situation of discomfort?
- Have you ever been in love with a teacher secretly?
- Have you ever peed in a pool?
- Have you ever stolen something? What did you steal and why did you do it?
- Have you ever been attractive to someone of the same sex? What happened? What was your reaction
- Have you ever been kicked out of a nightclub?
- Have you ever skipped class?
- What would your perfect first date be like?
- What do you think is the most attractive part of your body?
- Which of the players has the most sensual lips?
- What is the longest period you have gone without bathing and why?
- What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
- What is the most painful thing you have had to do for sex?
- What is your strategy to win over a woman?
- What was the most outlandish compliment you have ever received?
- What's been the wildest party you've ever been to?
- What has been your best sexual experience?
- How old were you when you gave your first kiss?
- What color is your underwear?
- Have you made out with someone twice your age?
- Have you kissed any of your closest friends? Who?
- Have you smelled your underwear to check if they are not dirty?
- Have you worn the same clothes for more than 3 days?
- Have you ever been close to dying?
- What has been the most horrible thing you have done in a public place?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've done while drunk?
- What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you in a public place?
- What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while you are naked?
- What is the worst thing you have done in your life?
- What is the first thing you notice when meeting someone of the opposite sex?
- What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month?
- Who is the sexiest person here?
- Who was your first love, and who do you like right now?
- If you could kiss someone right now, who would you kiss?
- If you had to marry someone you don't like, who would you marry?
- Of your acquaintances, who has the most beautiful eyes?
- Tell us about your first kiss.
- If you could change one thing in your body, what would it be?
- If you had the opportunity to go out on a date with someone who is present, who would it be?
- What language do you think is the most sensual?
- What's the most disgusting thing you've ever drunk?
- If you could do something dangerous, with the assurance that nothing bad would happen to you, what would you do?
- Have you ever been very close to death?
Questions for boyfriends, girlfriends and couples
- Do you think that any of the people who are here have a partner who does not suit them? Who? Why?
- Have you ever lied to sleep with someone?
- Have you ever cheated on your partner to avoid having an intimate moment?
- Have you ever hidden something from your partner?
- Have you ever told someone that you loved them, without really being sorry?
- Have you thought about cheating on your partner?
- Has a friend ever flirted with your partner?
- How would you feel if you caught your partner indulging himself?
- What is your partner's most annoying habit?
- What is the part of the body that you find most attractive in a person of the other (or same) gender?
- What was the most awkward romantic encounter you had?
- What was the first impression you had of your partner?
- What was your first impression of your girlfriend or boyfriend when you first met?
- Would you ditch your partner for $ 10 million?
- Have you become pregnant or have you got someone pregnant?
- Why did you break up with your last boyfriend or girlfriend?
- What's the stupidest thing you've ever said to your partner during an intimate moment?
- What's the stupidest thing you've ever said to someone you like?
- What is the most attractive thing about your boyfriend / girlfriend?
- What would you do if your partner ends the relationship right now?
- What white lie have you told your partner to make sure you don't hurt their feelings?
- Who was your childhood sweetheart?
- If you could date a famous person, who would it be?
- Have you fallen in love with a friend of your partner? Has anyone noticed?
- Would you dress as a woman if your partner likes that?
- Describe your two week dream trip with your partner
- Name 8 places you would like to kiss from your partner
- If you've ever cheated, why did you do it?
- If you could kiss a celebrity without affecting your current relationship, who would it be?
- If you could change something in your partner, what would it be?
Questions for friends
- What's your biggest fear? Because?
- Have you ever driven drunk?
- Have you ever scammed or been scammed?
- Have you ever been arrested? Because?
- Have you ever started a rumor about someone? What was it about?
- Have you posed as something you are not to get something?
- Have you ever been humiliated? Explain what happened and how you felt
- Did you ever like one of your teachers at school?
- How do you imagine the wedding of your dreams?
- Have you become obsessed with a famous personality?
- Which Disney character do you identify with? Why?
- What question would be able to bother you?
- What was your favorite song in your childhood?
- What is the most painful thing you have uploaded to a social network?
- What is the thing that bothers you the most about your dad?
- What is the thing that bothers you the most that your mother does?
- What is the best food you have ever had?
- What is the worst food you have ever had?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your special talent?
- What has been the most embarrassing situation in your life?
- What has been the happiest situation for you so far?
- What has been the most traumatic event of your life?
- What's been the worst rumor you've ever shared? (knowing it wasn't true)
- What has been the worst day you have lived? Why?
- Under what conditions would you lie to a friend?
- What country would you like to live in if you had the chance?
- Have you ever told a lie during a truth or dare game? What was it and why?
- Could you go two months without connecting to social media?
- Could you go two months without talking to your friends?
- Could you go four months without your smartphone?
- Could you go two months without watching TV?
- What do most of your friends think of you that is totally false?
- What would you like to do in the next few years?
- What secret of yourself did you tell someone in confidence and then that secret was shared with many other people?
- Who is the person who knows you the most and what secrets does he know about you?
- If you weren't here, what would you be doing right now?
- If you could do whatever you wanted, what would your dream job be?
- Are you afraid of death? Why?
- Tell us about a fight you have had and won in
- If you could put yourself in someone's shoes for 24 hours, who would you choose?
- If you could eradicate one bad thing from the world, what would it be?
- If you could invent something, what would you invent?
- If you had the opportunity to be born in a different place, where would it be?
- If you could have the establishment of your dreams, what would it be?
- If you could have one super power, what would it be?
- If you found yourself on a desert island and you had to choose a friend to keep you company, who would you choose?
- If you could transform your life into a movie, which movie would you choose?
- What is it you don't want your parents to know?
- How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Questions for kids
- Which is your favourite song?
- What's the worst lie you've ever told your parents?
- What is your favorite sports team?
- What is your favorite Disney movie and why?
- Who is your best friend?
- Who do you like worst in your class?
- Where would you like to go on vacation?
- What would you like to be when you grow up?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
- What things would you do if you could make yourself invisible?
- What would you buy if you found a lot of money on the street?
- What is your favorite show?
- Who is the worst teacher you've ever had? why?
- What would be the house of your dreams, describe it.
- If you could be a super-villain, who would you choose?
- If you could be any animal, what would you be?
- If you could be a superhero, what would your power be?
- If you could be a superhero, which one would you be?
- If you could be a color, what color would you be?
- What profession do you like the most?
- What story do you like the most?
- What scares you?.
- What is your favorite videogame?.
- If you were a character in a video game, who would you be?
Who can you ask these salty questions to?
You have to think that the basis of all this is fun. Hence, we are talking about a game. Even if questions for truth or dare are often quite intrusive, we must not bother anyone too much. So it does not hurt that we first think about whether the questions that we are going to ask would make us uncomfortable if they asked us. It is true that it is about finding out those most hidden thoughts of people, but always within limits. Hence, these types of games are perfect to do both in pairs and with friends.
To my boyfriend / girlfriend
If you've chosen your partner to play Truth or Dare questions, then you can make it even more fun. A way to light the spark and forget about the routine for a few minutes. Try to think of some more racy questions, because after all, we are in full confidence. Take good note !:
- What is your favorite position in bed?
- What did you think the first time we saw each other without clothes?
- What is that great fantasy that you have not fulfilled?
- What is it that awakens your sexual desire?
- What do you think of sporadic sex?
Of course, there are also many others that are not related to the sexual issue and that also allow us to get to know our partner a little more, such as:
- What would you do if you had the opportunity to one day be in the body of a man / woman?
- What wishes would you make if you found a magic lamp?
- What is your unspeakable secret?
- What is the part of your body that you don't like?
- What mischief would you do if you were invisible?
- What was the craziest thing you've done with any of your ex-partners?
- What's the worst thing you've done out of jealousy?
For friends, all the questions that you will find here are useful. Because we know many things about them, but the truth is that putting them in different situations through some truth or dare questions is not always easy. Without a doubt, it is one of those perfect games to discover so many what happened before meeting you, as to test your thoughts as well as reactions. Without a doubt, you will be surprised!
We hope that these truth or dare game questions have been to your liking, since we have made this compilation selected the best ones to facilitate the game to all those people who do not know what to ask. If you have an idea that has not been published, we invite you to use the comment box; as well as we would also appreciate if you share it on your social networks ... Maybe a friend of yours needs it!
Very good this page
These questions were very interesting for me.
Do I need the challenges ????
I loved the questions
Thank you for allowing me to get to know the human race better.