There are many topics of interest that can be used to prepare exhibitions or research papers. However, when the theme is optional and we are free to choose, it is possible that we will not find a theme that catches our attention and we will not decide on a specific one.
For this reason, in this post we will discuss various interesting topics that may attract your attention. Like we will make a brief summary about them and why you should choose them.
The topics can be super varied, since they can touch areas such as health, politics, the environment, addictive substances, among others. In addition, we will also use some examples or options for more specific investigations, such as “Drug use in adolescents”For the drug addiction theme.
Themes of interest
Mental disorders
In the same way as the previous topic, mental disorders They have been the subject of study for years, as there is much interest in how the brain works and what the effects are when it does not work properly.
On this site we have also written countless topics about it, such as the claustrophobia, schizophrenia, anxiety, alzheimer's, among others. Which you can get in the disorders category of the site.
- Symptoms, causes and treatment for Alzheimer's.
- Relationship between mental disorders and creativity.
- Origin, symptoms and treatments of anorexia.
Mental disorders are topics that really catch the eye of the majority of people, since it is something common in society but at the same time, something that almost everyone is unaware of (unless some of the individuals have an interest in this area, but would still be a minority).
It is one of the topics of interest that has generated the most opinions in recent years. In 2018 it is said that more than 56 people have entered our country, most of them illegally. One of the highest figures compared to previous years. Hence the debate is served. Spain is already one of the main routes and destinations, since previously other countries such as Greece or Italy were the ones with the highest figures. For this reason, the topics of discussion can be multiple, from the situation of immigrants even the problems that can result from it all. How to avoid it or how to help can also be two questions that will give a lot to talk about.
For equality
It is one of the topics of interest that can generate more problems, but without a doubt, it is also current. Because when we talk about equality, we not only refer to the issue of women, which is one of the priorities, but together with the fight for rights of other groups that fight for sexual equality. In this case we can talk about all of them, providing examples and mentioning if something similar happens in all parts of the world. Although the first question we can ask ourselves in the debate is whether you think that equality has been established.
The standard of beauty
It is something that even the famous ones have already rebelled and with good reason. Because certain standards of beauty are usually required to give an image to society. Hence, some of the celebrities already choose not to put on makeup or not to wax. In the same way, it is a broad topic and we can also talk about the measures that are needed to get on a catwalk. Fashion and beauty will come together in another of the most common and recurring themes. Since due to these taxes imposed, it can have a great impact on the person and their health. Since insecurity and the demand to always be perfect or perfect, it can be a mirror that reflects certain diseases. We can debate on the standard of beauty throughout history, the problems and their serious consequences.
The abortion
La termination of a pregnancy voluntarily It is another of the most recurrent topics for a debate. Because without a doubt, again the opinions and questions or conclusions will be generated immediately. Over the years it was a penalized practice, so many women opted for clandestine practices in the worst conditions. Each country has its own laws regarding this procedure. Hence, the topics that are put on the table can also be varied. If one is for or against abortion and the circumstances to carry it out. It is one of the topics that generate more controversy.
More and more people or more countries entering crisis and they are getting poorer. Because you never know who is going to get to and whoever is up today may be very down tomorrow. Hence, it is also considered an important and social topic, which in this case, is of great interest and also for your work in English. You will be able to comment on what you understand by poverty, what percentage of the population lives in subhuman conditions, how it could be helped, etc.
Employment situation
Although we also talk about the jobs of the future, it is worth mentioning the issue or the employment situation today. On the one hand, the training or preparation of future workers, the contracts in practice, the temporary jobs or the situation of young people will be some of the basic points to expose the ideas about employment. The consequences of all this also go through an uncertain future, more unemployment and difficulties when thinking about a stable future.
Topics of social interest
This is a very repetitive subject, but regardless of it, it is still important; since the planet is the only place we have to live today and therefore we must take care of it.
Despite the fact that in schools this topic is mandatory and indispensable for students to deal with, there are many areas in which we can carry out research for works, exhibitions or theses in an original way, that is, that other people have not dealt with.
However, being one of the most popular topics of interest, we may find it a bit difficult. In the same way, we propose some examples on the environmental pollution:
- Advantages and disadvantages of technology for the environment.
- Benefits of environmental education in children.
- Methods to raise awareness in modern society about the environment.
- Alternative energies.
New diseases
To be sure, the topic of disease is always one of great interest. Some of them we already know enough, but little by little a new name is being included. It is said that due to climate change, diseases can come from the hand of animals (as happened with the Zika mosquito) or through plants.
Some others, it is not that they are really new diseases but they are faster and more dangerous as happens with 'Lassa fever'.
It is an interesting topic to expose to always try among young people. Because sexually transmitted diseases are much more common than we think. Every year, there are more than 20 million new cases and in ages between 16 and 23 years. So, it is important to get all the accurate information to those who need it most.
- What are sexually transmitted diseases.
- How you can avoid / risks of this type of disease.
- Treatments for healing, if any.
The bullying
Although all the previous topics to do a job are of vital importance, bullying is not far behind. Many young people suffer every day from bullying. It is a delicate issue, which must be addressed in the same way. Both the words and the actions or intimidation that go against a young person and that are repeated over time, give rise to this problem.
The protagonist will not be able to stop him and this will cause his behavior to change as well. So, you can talk about what bullying consists of, how bullying can be (physical or emotional), problems derived from said bullying, how it affects the victim and the possible solutions to all of it.
In some places in Europe like Germany, prostitution has been legal since 2002. Something that differs from Sweden, where it is punished. In Spain it is not regulated as such and many assure that it is a illegal activity. So again the debate of a yes or no to prostitution may arise. Although the issue can go a long way, because what is really punished in our country is pimping and trafficking. It would be a question of mentioning what its legalization would mean or quite the opposite, thinking about the people who are dedicated to this work.
The beliefs in some of its sections are also another topic of interest when thinking about a debate. In this case, the religious theme could not be left behind. Thus mentioning the types of religions and their changes throughout history. Within a debate like this, you also have to think about all the ideas that lead a person to believe in some type of belief and those that do not. So all this will leave us with great conclusions in terms of values and even obsessions, without forgetting certain rites that had religion as the protagonist.
It is true that a topic like this could be in several sections. Because there is still much to investigate, because it is a topic to talk about and present, but also to take it into account in other languages. Since it is a global pandemic and as such, everyone is suffering or has suffered. An issue that has important premises from how it originates, to what is its prevention, going through talking about the possible treatment and many other details that always remain in the air.
Topics of interest to investigate
Technological development in different areas
We live in a modern age where Technological advances They have brought great changes and developments in different areas. Therefore, it is a very interesting topic that can be treated from different perspectives in different areas.
Among the topics you can deal with technological development in the area of health, education or even companies. However, due to its length it is possible to address more specific things, such as:
- How has technological development helped hospitals?
- Benefits of technological advances in the classroom.
- Advantages and disadvantages of technology in children.
Electric cars
Improvements in the motor world also have to be present among the topics of interest. Because we all usually move every day, trips are basic but at the same time, very polluting. Hence, among the improvements are electric cars.
The energy they use is electrical and it is stored in rechargeable batteries. These types of vehicles are said to be very efficient than usual cars.
In 2016 there were already more than 10.000 models of this type of car. It seems that little by little the sales are ascending. So, in a topic like this you can talk about both the advantages and disadvantages of having an electric car, reasons to buy it or the improvements they need to be integrated into the market.
Surrogate motherhood
It is a practice that is increasingly current. It is true that it is not something suitable for all budgets, therefore, it usually occurs among some very famous names on the national and international scene. Is about hire a surrogate belly, whereby a woman agrees to carry a baby from other people through a monetary pocket. It can be a solution for the pregnant woman but also for the future mother and that must be analyzed. The pros and cons will always be present in an issue like this even though in our country it is not yet legalized.
Artificial intelligence
It seems like machines are taking over the world slowly. In fact, improvements in technologies usher in a new era where human functions have been transferred to such machines. In fact, we just need to think about some of the most affordable options such as the Google assistant. A way for a machine to bring us closer to everything we need. But that is not all but the creations of robots with human actions appearance, are more and more frequent in some areas. So it leads us to have to discuss some concepts such as how they can help us and affect this type of discoveries.
One of the most talked about topics for years and that now also becomes another of the topics of general interest and perfect to continue investigating. Everything related to him Cyber world it can contain many secrets, so it will not hurt to reel them out. Hackers are the protagonists, so you can talk about the most well-known attacks, or those suffered by the famous ones, without forgetting to review how everything began and what it meant in the first place.
Topics of interest in English
Online shopping
As we know, buy online They are one of the fastest and most comfortable ways to have the products we want in our home. Hence, it is also an important topic to discuss during a presentation or oral exam. Here you can talk about your own experience, if you like it or if you use this shopping method. Do not forget all the advantages but also its disadvantages. Mention the dangers of being available to everyone.
Healthy lifestyle
Within this topic, we can focus on several aspects such as:
- Habits for a healthier diet.
- Recommended exercises.
- Consequences of little rest.
- Health effects of eating an unbalanced diet.
The most beautiful places in the world
Travel It is another of those plans that enter everyone's life. Hence, we always keep in mind some trips to take. In this section, what you can do is a list with some of the destinations that you would love to visit, explaining why they seem so attractive to you. How surely many ideas come to mind?
A section that gives much to talk about. Since here you can include a review of the programming of a decade ago and compare it with today. Talk about the different programs, the ones that are successful or the ones that are most criticized. Always alluding to the streaming platforms.
Love relationships
Yes, it is a very broad topic and you can combine it with your own ideas and talk about your ideal partner, marriage or the change between old and current couples. Problems between couples or coexistence are also other ideas that could be integrated into this topic.
Viral challenges
It seems that the world of the internet leaves us with numerous moments and each one of them can be a real topic of interest. For this reason, as viral challenges are always done on a large scale, there is nothing like making them participate in our choice in English.
- Funniest challenges
- More dangerous challenges.
- Challenges made by celebrities
- The pros and cons of viral challenges.
Using Photoshop on photos
Although today we can take great photos and portraits with cameras or mobiles, what happens with the retouching of them? It seems that the Photoshop It is the order of the day in magazines, but it is not far behind in publications in networks. As well as the amount of effects available to improve the image. You can introduce, as a summary, the subject of beauty canons.
Topics of interest to talk and present
Interesting topics about emotions
In recent years, a lot of research has been carried out to try to understand human behavior and the functioning of the brain. Among the unknowns, emotions or feelings have stood out, which can have truly important functions for the human being, beyond just being an expression of how we feel.
In Self-help Resources we have talked about topics of interest about emotions a lot of times, such as the entry published recently on the Emotional Intelligence, which can be a very good option to choose since it deals with the control of emotions. However, there are also other topics about emotions that you can choose from:
- As we already mentioned, Emotional Intelligence can be a good alternative.
- Oxytocin in autistic children.
- Meditation as a means of control emotions.
- Emotional dependence.
Jobs of the future
The technological age does not stop. It is in constant motion and this gives us some clue of what will come in the future. So, in terms of jobs, there may also be slight changes. It is said that many of the professions that we know today will disappear but in return, many others will arrive. Do you want to know which ones ?:
- Fast personal transportation systems: One of the professions that will arrive is supposed to be this. Destined to create new infrastructures due to the improvement of transport.
- Atmospheric water harvesters: As the years of water are numbered, perhaps in the distant future we will have to start harvesting it. It is another of the jobs that will be most in demand.
- Commercial drones: A new cast that will need specialists, optimizers and engineers.
- Biofactories: It will take people in industry to create products that Mother Nature cannot offer us.
- Recycling engineer: Certain products will have to be designed in order to improve recycling.
Death penalty
Another topic that also generates a great debate is this. The death penalty or capital punishment It is one of the punishments that are still applied today in some parts of the world. Throughout history we have found this procedure as an aim to fight crime. But it is true that in European countries it has been abolished, with some exceptions. Therefore, here we can deal with ideas such as:
- Consequences of the death penalty.
- Capital crimes
- Classical methods used as the death penalty
- Arguments for or against this punishment
There is an open debate in the street. Euthanasia, yes or no?. As we well know, it is about accelerating the death of a person who is already terminal, so that they do not continue to suffer, knowing that there will be no improvement. Although the laws on it are different in each country, in the vast majority it is still a punishable act. This is where the arguments for and against would enter. That is, when could one really proceed and when not. In the same way, there is also the question of who would be in charge of giving consent when the patient himself cannot.
Viral Videos
It can be quite a fun topic, depending on how we approach it. Because it is true that when a video goes viral it is because it has all the necessary ingredients to reach thousands of people. So here you would put several examples from recent years, if the issues have changed in this time and what are the most abundant themes in all of them. In addition, you can always accompany him for information to the elderly, keeping track of the protagonists if that is the case. Always offer your opinion and what you would change or add in each option.
Topics of general interest
Gender Violence
Like the previous ones, it is one of the topics that are always current, unfortunately. Gender violence it continues to affect a large part of the population. It can be physical or psychological but in both cases it involves an act of aggression and violence against a person. Without a doubt, it is one of those delicate subjects that must always be treated with great care. But you can also get us to understand it to a certain extent and from debate and information. For this reason, we can talk about how it is generated, what function or role society can have in it or what to do if we know that this is happening in our closest circle. Of course, we do not forget those measures that come to mind in order to avoid it.
Animal abuse
It is true that every time they are putting more laws and more care about everything related to animals. Because animal abuse is already something punishable in many parts of the world. But we still have to keep thinking of more solutions so that the laws are increased and tougher. So it can be a good point of discussion. In the same way, avoiding experimenting with animals in laboratories, in order to discover certain effects destined for some products that will later be marketed. The pet abandonment it will also enter here as a topic of debate.
Surely with a topic like infidelity and also fidelity, we will find the most varied arguments. The first question that comes to mind is to argue why it is said that human beings are unfaithful by nature. Forgiveness, open relationships or the impact of life as a couple after an infidelity can be open topics for a good debate. Although the couple's issues are many, this is one of the most interesting and one that always generates more doubts and headaches.
Right to privacy
It is true that thanks to new technologies we have everything at our fingertips. The social media They have become a means of knowing and knowing what our friends or family do. But the truth is that there is also another side. A face that deprives us of the right to privacy. Because with the publication of certain images or comments we are exposing our life and leaving the door open for others to also have an opinion. So in this case, we must think about the consequences that can arise from all this, as well as the problems that celebrities have for this reason.
Freedom of expression
It is true that freedom of expression is a given, but sometimes it can make the ways of thinking have a lot of impact. Especially when we refer back to social networks. Sometimes the make jokes with some themes it may be punished, which leads us to speak of some censorship. So, we must ask ourselves if these acts should really be punished or should comments be limited to some facts such as accidents, diseases or religions. Without forgetting to always comment on the limits between humor, irony and harm.
Topics of youth interest
Early pregnancy
Although these tend to be more common in underdeveloped or third world countries, it is one of the most prominent issues both in them and in other more advanced countries; since the deficiency in sexual education brings about this particular problem.
Adolescents who do not use adequate protection methods are not only exposed to an early pregnancy; they are also at risk for disease. In addition, there are several reasons why a pregnancy of this type can occur, such as rapes.
It really is an interesting topic that is worth touching to raise awareness, especially if in your locality the rate of teenage pregnancy is high. So it is also highly recommended if you are a teacher and are looking for interesting topics for the students.
- Solutions to avoid early pregnancy.
- Reasons why teen pregnancy increased (or decreased) in your area.
- How to educate teens about pregnancy.
Drug abuse
The drugs used irresponsibly They can lead to a number of health and social problems, for example. In addition, regardless of the fact that some of them are being seen with better eyes, it is a controversial topic and from which you can get “subtopics” of considerable interest.
However, since these topics are focused on classrooms, we use those that do not encourage the consumption of them or something similar. Among the examples we can find:
- Drug use in adolescents.
- Consequences of excessive drug use.
- Legal and illegal addictive substances.
- Effects of drugs on the brain.
Use of social networks
Today we would no longer know live without social media. Hence, it is another of the topics of interest to consider. They are very varied that we can find and at the same time, some of them show different functions. So, it would be about doing a study of all of them. Because if we try a little, it would be one of the most comprehensive topics of interest. You can cover points like the following:
- How / how do social networks help?
- Disadvantages of social media
- Social media problems in teens
We can show the best face of social networks but also provide examples of how they can be totally harmful. It is also important to highlight the opinion of parents who see how children or adolescents seem to change their lives. Not for the better, but may come to suffer from loneliness, deception or addiction problems.
Eating disorders
Again it is a topic of interest focused on young people. One in 7 teens is fighting them. Eating disorders can affect millions of people. Because weight is always one of the key and recurring themes that obsess the population. In this case, it can range from the correct diet, guidelines to follow a healthy life to mention the anorexia nervosa or bulimia. Two of the most serious psychological disorders in this field.
Childhood obesity
There are many programs that make us aware of another of the current problems. Childhood obesity is another point that we must debate. So we will try to find a series of solutions to avoid and control it. In addition to food, the exercise proposal, opting for the outdoors and leaving aside mobile phones and technological games will also appear in our debate. The bad nutrition Together with daily habits, they can leave many diseases in young children and spread to other stages of their lives.
The use of these topics will allow people to become aware of the environment, of course, if they are addressed effectively.
Effect of alcohol and tobacco
Perhaps it is a good idea to show some topics separately, that is, to reel off them from other major topics. In this case, we have done the same with the issue of alcohol and tobacco. Because they are considered legal drugs, which anyone can buy, if they are over 18 years old. But it is true that, being available to everyone, it seems that it is not given the importance it really has in our health. So it would be a good topic to reel off the few pros and the many cons of such a theme.
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Thank you, they helped me with my homework, thank you very much!
Thank you very much they helped me too much
Help me with my homework thanks
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Very good variety of topics of interest to teenagers, now I have a little more extensive knowledge about each topic, thank you, because in fact I am preparing to speak one of these topics in an upcoming LEOyE contest :).
grax by the inves gel
I shit on you kabron
I shit on you
Excellent page I saved the semester