Before starting with these 11 psychological tricks to improve your productivity, I would like you to see this video. It's about one of the toughest jobs in the world… and it demands very high productivity.
This video shows us one of the most demanding jobs in the world. However, the vast majority of people who work on it perform it satisfactorily:
11 psychological tricks to improve your productivity:
1) Recognize that what you do most of the time doesn't matter
Take a test: remember the last 24 hours of your work and write down the hours that have really been productive. You will be surprised when you discover that most of your time has been dedicated to tasks that are far from the idea of productivity.
2) Do what you have to do as soon as possible
In this way you will prevent fatigue from appearing and you will be able to concentrate on your task until the end. Saying "I'll do this later" is the first step to never doing it. Follow the famous saying "do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today."
3) Learn to reward yourself
Try to find ways to stimulate yourself. For example, propose a break as soon as you have done X tasks or have some candy. In this way you will help the brain to work for objectives and will help you increase your productivity.
4) Clear your mind
When you start working make sure you don't think of other things that might make your task difficult. The problems you may have are only going to slow you down. It is important that you leave off the work table everything that is not going to help you.
5) congratulate yourself on your achievements
Once you have achieved a goal that you have set for yourself, it is important that you know how to thank yourself. Again the brain will be stimulated and you will develop a new resistance to achieve more performance for much longer than you had even thought.
6) Focus on what you can do
We have to be able to know our limits, but also if we can really be able to overcome them. Plan well what you have to do and learn to prioritize what really needs it. This way you will be much more productive.
7) Identify the needs of your customers
Find out what the person who is going to contract your goods or services really wants. Dedicate time to that study and you will know what you have to do to optimize the time you have. It will help you not to lose it in absurd things and focus on what is truly important.
8) Find the balance
There is no use working long hours without stopping. You have to know that the mind reaches a point where it says "enough" and needs a break. It is important to know when we have to stop. In this way, when we get back to work, we will be much more productive.
9) connect with people
Interact with clients, with your co-workers and with anyone else in your environment. This distraction can give you valuable knowledge and refresh your mind so you can continue your work.
10) control your time
Keep an agenda or make a mental plan of what you are going to do. Try to follow the schedules to the letter and you will see how you manage to increase your performance.
11) Avoid perfection
Don't try to achieve perfection, just try to do your best. No one can make everything perfect. As soon as you understand it, you can dedicate yourself to what is really important.
Find the balance between work and personal life. Without a doubt the best advice that can be given to any entrepreneur. A hug, Pablo