Human beings are social by nature, they are configured to interact in society with their peers and establish relationships in the various areas of life. However, it is not always easy to strike up a conversation with strangers, no matter how attracted you may be to them. Because, presentation games are a good option.
Whether due to shyness, lack of self-esteem or having a functional diversity that affects relationships with other people, such as people with autism, for many it is difficult to start a conversation with their peers.
There are various tools that can be applied when establishing communication, but it is always easier when it comes to you.. Things get complicated when it comes to a social gathering where there are many people, So in those cases the easiest way to promote the relationship is to look for activities and games that invite people to communicate. In an easy, fun and enjoyable way, which will help everyone who needs it to start a conversation with other people.
Here are some ideas for presentation games for adults, although they can be adapted to work with children and people of various abilities. Situations that can become complex and for which these types of games in which people are helped to introduce themselves and start a conversation, they are a perfect, fun and effective tool.
The spiderweb
This presentation activity consists of sitting all the members of the group in a circle. For the game you will need a ball of yarn, the larger the group, the larger the ball will have to be. The game begins by choosing a random person to hold the ball of yarn.
The person who has the ball has to make a short presentation about himself, basic questions such as his name, age or hobbies. Issues that can be varied depending on the type of meeting. When you finish, you have to grab the end of the ball and throw it to another person in the group.
Each person who receives the ball must repeat the process, holding in each case a part of the ball with which a spider web will be formed with the wool. As long as the game is fun, you can continue as many times as you like, this way people will have the opportunity to add more about your presentation.
The cards
For this presentation game some cards or pages are used that will be distributed among all attendees. Each one must put their name in capital letters and under each letter of their name a positive adjective that begins with that letter. The cards are left on a table and the people in the group can walk around to see each one.
Then the person in charge of the group has to choose two people at random. These people will have to try to remember some information from the other person's card. The turn is passed to two other people until the group is finished. A fun way to get to know others.
The ball game
A very simple game that can be used in many ways depending on the needs of the group. The game of the ball is very versatile, in this case and for a presentation activity it consists of throwing the ball at random to one person in the group. This should say the name of the person who has passed the ball and throw it in turn to another member of the group.
Then another round can be done with other details, for example, with one of the adjectives from the card game. The person receiving the ball must say an adjective that they remember from whoever passed the ball to them.
Who is who?
One of the most well-known board games of the 90s and that most evenings of play has given in many houses. It is an ideal game to create a presentation activity in groups of people who do not know each other, even when it comes to children.
The game consists of trying to guess who is who from certain data. The person in charge of the group has to prepare some cards in which they include questions such as: Who was born in the same month as me? Who has more years in the group? Who has traveled more or more foreign countries?
Then the cards are distributed among the people in the group. Each one will have to interview the others based on these questions, to discover information about each one. At the end, the answers that each one has found are put together and the data investigated are determined.
Four corners
For this activity you have to give a sheet of paper to each person, also a pen or pencil. Each one has to draw something in the center that symbolizes or represents them. In each corner you will have to put information about yourself. Your age will go in the lower right corner. On the left, something you don't like about the way you are or your personality.
In the upper right corner they will have to put what is their biggest dream in life, it can be at work, academic or personal level, it will depend on the type of meeting. Finally, in the upper left corner they have to put a hobby. Then the sheets are hung on the wall and each member chooses one that is not their own.
Each person can choose what to ask about what they see on the sheet and the owner will have to explain his symbol, what he does not like about himself or what he wants to ask. Thus, each in turn will introduce himself in an indirect way, through the people who make up the group.
Any presentation activity must be done with fun because the moment someone feels intimidated or violated, the game stops making sense. For this reason, it is very important to always choose little personal questions, which cannot cause harm or inconvenience to people. Since finding yourself in front of strangers can be complex and difficult to manage.