Yesterday, while I was taking my usual walk, I was listening to the audiobook As a man thinks. I couldn't finish it. The experience was not pleasant and, in fact, it spoiled my trip. But what is it about this book that arouses such polarized feelings? It is time to delve deeper into this work that, although it dates back to 1903, continues to be cited as a reference in the field of Self Help.
A pioneering book on motivational thinking
As a man thinks It is a foundational work in the genre of motivation and self-help. It was written by James Allen, an author whose legacy has transcended generations thanks to the power of his ideas. central premise from the book is simple but powerful: Our thoughts have the ability to shape our lives.
It is important to understand the context in which it was written. In 1903, the idea that thoughts influenced personal reality was innovative. Psychology had not yet reached the level of development we know today, and concepts such as cognitive psychology, which would become established in the second half of the XNUMXth century, did not exist as such.
The historical impact of As a man thinks
La influences de As a man thinks has been extraordinary. Many of the best-selling self-help books of the past decades are based on his principles. For example, Napoleon Hill's famous Think and Grow Rich borrows much of Allen's essence.
One of the aspects that makes this work so relevant is its ability to inspire, despite what some may perceive as a somewhat archaic language. The metaphor of the “garden of the mind” is perhaps the most enduring message of the book:
- "Our mind is like a garden. If we cultivate it with positive thoughts, we will reap good fruit. If we let it grow in disorder, weeds will dominate."
Why can it be repetitive?
This is where lies the most forceful criticism we can make of As a man thinks. Having read or listened to dozens of contemporary self-help books, it is easy to find the essence of James Allen repeated ad nauseam. The idea that our thoughts build our reality It has been analyzed, expanded and sometimes diluted over time.
However, we must not lose sight of the fact that Allen was the pioneer. Everything that came after is an echo of his original ideas. It is like criticizing a classic film because its techniques have been surpassed by modern technology; the important thing is recognize its historical value.
How do we apply the concept in everyday life?
Beyond its historical context, As a man thinks It remains useful for those looking for take responsibility for your life and your decisionsThe principles Allen sets forth can be applied in multiple ways:
- Recognize thought patterns: It is crucial to identify whether we are feeding negative or positive ideas. Modern psychology offers tools such as mindfulness and cognitive therapy to achieve this. You can read more about How to identify thought patterns here.
- Cultivate a clear purpose: The book emphasizes having a goal in mind to guide our actions.
- Eliminate toxic thoughts: In keeping with the idea of the “garden,” Allen encourages us to protect our minds from ideas that do not benefit us.
The relevance of positive thinking
In a world filled with distractions and challenges, Allen's message about the power of thought continues to resonate. Today, many self-help authors have reinterpreted these ideas to suit the times. But the essence remains: what we focus our attention on growsIf we nourish thoughts of gratitude, purpose and love, we will reap a fuller life.
In this sense, works such as 160 positive thoughts They remind us how small phrases can transform our daily perspective.
While my initial experience with the audiobook of As a man thinks It was not positive, I can't deny it. importance of this work in the history of self-help. Understanding its context and the roots of its teachings can help us appreciate it from a broader and more enriching perspective.
We must allow ourselves to be helped since this way we will advance more in life, at some point in our lives we will need the help of someone it is in us to reject it, so we must listen carefully to the advice they give us along the way because there will always be a moment to put them into practice, ..
only we have the power to sink or to float, the life preserver is the teachings and experiences that we have lived which will help us to emerge in life to advance every day step by step without haste but without calm either, the Power of the mind is something very strong and thinking positive is that we are going to do well and we are going to attract things and people with good vibes and positive, accepting someone's help does not make us less capable of solving our problems, it is up to us to reject it or accept the good that they offer us either through an experience lived by another person or through advice or anecdote ……………
Do not let your mind dominate your body, try to find balance in those moments and you will see that it is incredible how with your mind you can heal many ills that sometimes we associate with health problems and it turns out that they are fears and fears hidden in our subconscious that we reflect and symptomatically illnesses, headaches, fever, among others and if we do not control it in time they can really turn into health problems, so control your mind and focus on positive and productive things ... the joy of your environment that people seek to share with you, not that they flee and evade you, that rather they are the ones who keep you a while longer by their side….
The best help we can receive is the spiritual help that comes from above, God is the one who moves everything
God does not exist, all religion is invented by man. If there is a god, it is beyond our understanding in the same way that a worm is not aware of the universe. (it's a parable). Many people live without believing in God and are doing very well. And many say they believe in God and are hypocrites and false. In all my years of life I do not know a single person who fulfills all the precepts of a religion.
God does not exist? God is love we will choose the way to go and do good or evil that he will always love us God equal to love is what it means we must respect each idea of each but it seems to me a lack of respect for what has come life and then seek help in these places people like you will not exist for you but whoever has love all surgr
Daniel, I would like to give a good self-help book to a 21-year-old young man, I would like to know if you can help me and recommend one.
I remain attentive to the comments, thank you very much
Hello Ninoska, if I had to choose one it would be this: "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.
A greeting.