Iker Jiménez and his inspiring video on «The enthusiasm»

Recently it came to me the video of a person who has been a real discovery for his way of making reflections that inspire me.

From time to time I meet people who inspire me for some reason. They do not have to dedicate themselves to this world of personal development, in fact, most of the people who give me something that fulfills me are not linked to this world.

Today I bring you one of those people.

The other day it came to me (I don't remember which social network or forum), a video by Iker Jiménez titled "The enthusiasm".

It is a kind of open letter to his daughter Alma. In this video he talks about what is the most important thing for him in life, enthusiasm. I would like you to see the video because it is very inspiring:

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Of course, the video has fascinated me: for its message, for its tone, for its ability to convey the message to the listener, ... It is a video that, regardless of the message, inspires me with peace and tranquility.

I've already heard it, I don't even know how many times ... and like this one, others that it has on its YouTube channel.

I like this format that Iker Jiménez has to communicate. It is a more personal format and gives rise to very deep reflections that touch the Soul (like the name of his daughter).

I will be putting more videos of Iker. It has some just as good as this one.

I am also fascinated by the setting you have chosen to record these videoblogs. A bookstore full of books that you have surely eaten. He is an excellent communicator and, therefore, an excellent reader. The two things go hand in hand. If you want to be a great communicator, reading is the best way to learn to communicate. But we'll talk about this another day.

I hope this video touched you as deeply as it did me.

Videoblog of Iker Jiménez

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      Julian Garcia said

    Thank you very much to Iker and to you for posting it. I needed it, thank you again.