There is only one father, but the committed, responsible fatherhood of unconditional love for the children that implies sacrifice is more difficult to exercise and on many occasions it is conspicuous by its absence.
Por eso I want to dedicate this emotional video to all those parents who go out of their way for their children. The video is made up of brief moments in which parents have a nice moment of protagonism with their children.
I leave you with this great video that highlights the figure of the father, an indispensable protagonist in the lives of his children. Very emotive:
The 3 most important tips I would tell a parent.
1) Take care of your health.
If you are well and full of energy, you can be in top shape to give yourself body and soul to the care and well-being of your children.
2) Dedicate part of your free time to be with them.
Take advantage now that they are young to be with them as long as you can because a day will come when they prefer to be with their friends than with you. Be present in their new experiences, guide them through life and, above all, play and laugh with them.
3) Be patient.
Being a father is not easy and you are going to go through hard times: nights without hardly sleeping because they are ill, fights between siblings when you are psychologically exhausted, ... It is in those moments when you have to let life rest a little, that is, let them be fight or do whatever you want. The world is not going to end because you take a few minutes to breathe deeply. Once you have regained control of your mind, go to solve the problem.