Ok, the video that I'm going to put you has a commercial purpose, yes ... but I just loved it:
Births in Spain during 2012 continued to decline since 2008. Exactly 12,8%. Similarly, Spanish women have delayed their decision to become mothers, the average is 31,6 years. The number of children has also fallen to 1,32.
We have been declining birth rates for four consecutive years. Undoubtedly, the economic crisis will be the main factor in this decline, but it is also true that many young Spaniards end up getting used to living alone. They are not subject to the responsibility of having a boy or a girl. However, they also end up losing the satisfaction of knowing that you have left your mark on this life in one of the most beautiful ways there can be, giving life to another being.
On the opposite side we have those who they have children as if it were something similar to buying a puppy. They do not fulfill even half the responsibilities that having a child entails and they end up fulfilling the right thing ... and in many cases they do not even reach the minimum of providing something as basic as giving affection.
So, if you have decided to have a son or a daughter, know that it will greatly limit your freedom ... but also, in my opinion, it is the best experience ever. You will see if it compensates you or not.
I wish that if you could give me psychological talks for a convivial couple
What do you need?