Books for couples and marriages: seeing love in a healthy way

couple reading books

When a couple is together or gets married and begins a life in marriage, The last thing they want is for that love they feel so deeply to end. But not all relationships are healthy, some become toxic, others break, others do not break but it is as if they breathe poison next to each other ... There are many cases in which books for couples and marriages are a solution if they take words seriously.

Many couples break up and could have managed if they had gone to therapy to resolve their differences or to be able to work on oneself to improve what is in the environment. Although not everyone has financial solvency to pay for therapy and although it is not a substitute, books for couples and marriages can help a lot.

Books for couples

The books for couples and marriages can be a lifesaver for many people, as long as they choose the right one and know how to use the advice they give in their lives. A book is usually affordable for the pockets, so it is important that people know how to choose well.

Next we are going to tell you about some book titles that are ideal for couples and marriages because it will help them understand love in a healthier, non-toxic way, and to know what they want and what they don't want in their life. In a couple it is very important to work on communication, assertiveness, empathy and conflict resolution.

couple reading books

Smart love. Heart and head: keys to building a happy couple

This book is written by Enrique Rojas and it is a book that invites couples to learn to love each other intelligently. They talk about behavior and the maxim of the book is that in order to be with another person, you must first know how to be with yourself. This reminds us of the popular saying: "To love another person healthily, you first have to love yourself."

Intelligent love is made up of heart, head, and spirit. Love only grows if the little details are taken care of. It is a magnificent book that explains what true love means and gives you the keys to have a happy partner. On Amazon you can find it with this description:

A deep psychological analysis that enters the "engine room" of behavior and makes its way between ideas and concepts, guided by a fundamental principle: "to be with someone you must first be with yourself."

Seven Golden Rules for Living as a Couple: A Comprehensive Study on Relationships and Coexistence

Written by John M. Gottman and Nan Silver. All couples can go through a crisis, but it is important to be able to get out of them when the love between people still lasts. It is not easy to have a relationship with a partner, living with another person who is not from your direct family but is your family by choice is not always easy. In this sense, this book gives you the guidelines so that a couple that is in crisis can come out of it and also feel more reinforced than ever. On Amazon you can find it with this description:

Dr. Gottman has revolutionized the conception of the couple after conducting unprecedented scientific research: for several years he has studied the habits of marriages in his "laboratory of love" and has obtained a 91% success in his predictions about the future of the couples.

This book is the culmination of his work, which is summarized in seven golden rules for recovering or strengthening a couple in crisis. These rules teach, through exercises and questioning, new and surprising techniques for the proper functioning of the couple, paying special attention to the small daily moments that constitute the soul of any relationship.

couple reading books

Good love in the couple

Written by Joan Garriga. Each person is different and each one has their own idiosyncrasies. The same goes for couples, each one is a world built by two different people. Therefore, standardized guidelines do not always work in the same way with people, in this sense ... it is necessary to know that the idiosyncrasy itself is the magic of any relationship.

This book is not intended to be an instruction manual for couples, they simply help you understand which ingredients make a good relationship easier or more difficult. On Amazon you can find it with this description:

This is not a book about what to do or what not to do in a relationship. It does not speak of ideal models. It talks about diverse relationships, with its own guidelines and styles of navigation. But also of those issues that usually make things work or go wrong in a couple, and of the ingredients that facilitate or hinder building a good relationship and maintaining it. In addition, it gives clues so that each one can find their own formula, their model and their way of living as a couple.

Joan Garriga, gestalt psychologist and specialist in family constellations, an expert therapist who has seen many couples go through his consultation, makes it clear that in relationships there are no good or bad, guilty or innocent, just or sinful. “What there are are good and bad relationships: relationships that enrich us and relationships that impoverish us. There is joy and misery. There is good love and bad love. And the thing is that love is not enough to ensure well-being: good love is needed. "

Correct me if I'm wrong. Dialogue strategies in the couple

This book is written about Giorgio Nardone. A good relationship, both as a couple and any other type, focuses on good communication. This book focuses on communication as a couple, since it is the fundamental pillar for a couple to function properly. On Amazon you can find it with this description:

The objective of this work is to present us with a method to strategically dialogue with our partner, the result of decades of work aimed at leading us to change our reality through the way we communicate with others and with ourselves. The author guides us through a journey of learning simple and effective tactics to transform disagreements into agreements and possible conflicts into alliances, since we must never forget that in the relationship with the people to whom we are affectively and emotionally linked there is no winner and loser, but both parties win or lose.

couple reading books

How much do you know your partner ?: 160 questions to find out

This book is written by Grete Garrido. It is a book different from the others, because it is a book that will help you get to know your partner more, in a fun and entertaining way. En No products found. you can find it with this description:

How much do you know your partner? Do you think you will pass the test? 160 questions over 42 pages to find out if you really know each other thoroughly or not! A fun plan for rainy afternoons, trips or dinners together. The answers may surprise you and lead to interesting conversations.

A fun book full of surprises, an original gift for couples, whether they have been together for a long time or a short time. With questions that will test your knowledge of the other and will invite you to the most important thing: surprise, rediscover and communicate. From an entertaining game you get your partner to become even more established.

Gift for anniversaries, birthdays, straight, gay couples, young and old. Do you accept the challenge? Whoever loses invites to a dinner! Let it surprise you!

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