This short story, which hides a reflection on true and sincere friendship and the sacrifice that we are willing to make for her, I have to thank Ricardo, a person I have found blog recently and decided that this story fit perfectly with the content of it. He was not wrong. Thanks Ricardo for sending it to me:
In the middle of a battle, a company was surprised by the enemy who outnumbered it and in military means.
The command of the company sent withdrawal towards the meeting point, marked several kilometers away. Little by little the soldiers arrived, counting the hell they had lived through and the amount of casualties that were taking place.
A newly arrived soldier began to ask if another soldier friend of his had returned. No one could give him an answer until another colleague indicated the area where they last saw him. The soldier asked the officer for permission to go look for his friend, but the officer denied permission, arguing that, probably, by then he would already be dead.
The soldier disobeyed and went looking for him.
Several hours later the soldier arrived, badly wounded, with his companion already dead in his arms. The officer, seeing them enter, said:
«Do you see how it was not worth it that you were? Now, instead of one man, I have lost two.
The soldier replied:
Yes, it was worth it. When I arrived he was still alive and he said, "I knew you would come for me."
mmmm that's the true meaning of friendship