How does a farmer become president of a country? After listening to José Mujica you will understand

President José Mujica of Uruguay, a 78-year-old former Marxist guerrilla who spent 14 years in prison, most in solitary confinement, He has a philosophy of life that he exposed in the next video that you are going to see.

He told Obama that Americans should smoke less and learn more languages.

He lectured in a roomful of businessmen at the United States Chamber of Commerce about the benefits of wealth redistribution and increasing workers' wages.

He told students at an American university that there are no "just wars."

You don't care what your audience is ... He speaks offhand and with such brutal honesty that it is impossible not to sympathize with him.

Live simply and reject the advantages of the presidency. Mujica has refused to live in the Presidential Palace. He lives in a one-bedroom house on his wife's farm and drives a 1987 Volkswagen.

"There have been years when I would have been happy just having a mattress"Mujica said in reference to his time in prison.

He donates 90% of his $ 12.000 a month to charity. When they call him "The poorest president in the world", Mujica says that he is not poor. «A poor person is not someone who has little, but someone who needs infinitely more, and more and more. I do not live in poverty, I live in simplicity. »

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      Nancy Ordonez said

    A dignified, honest life that shares wise reflections with us

      leonor said

    ufff what truths ..

      HECTOR PEÑA said

    Much of what you say is very true ... you in the shoe had time to reflect and analyze the situation in your country while others prepared intellectually but with their hearts full of hatred and thirst for revenge they led us to be the country and society more questioned of the planet, hopefully these politicians would see their conferences and take note of how good it can be without taking advantage of the circumstances.