14 Tips To Succeed In Life (And Be Happy)

Before seeing these 14 tips to succeed in life, let me show you this video from Luzu titled "The sucessfull way". [Duration 5 minutes].

This video was a real boom in Luzu's career as a youtuber. He made a simple video in which he counted your way of achieving success and it became hugely viral:

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We all want to be successful in any aspect of our lives. In this post I show you what they are 14 things you need to be successful in life:

1) Relate to others effectively.

This has a lot to do with knowing how to relate socially. Knowing how to relate effectively with others is a necessary skill to achieve anything.

When I studied the career there were the typical people who attended classes very infrequently but had an excellent gift of people that they used to later get notes or whatever they needed. Curiously, these people got a better job than many other people who came to class in a disciplined way but did not have as much social intelligence.

2) Read.

Reading is an activity that I quote frequently but the knowledge and skills that books bring is not paid for with money. Picking up a good book and starting to read it requires no effort.

3) Choose your friends well.

This tip is another classic in recursosdeautoayuda.com
Surround yourself with interesting people but, above all, be positive and possibly have the same interests as you. On the other hand, run away from negative people.

4) Dedicate yourself to what you like and do well.

The ideal is to find a job that you really like and that you are good at. In this way you can stand out from others and try to become the best.

5) Get used to getting out of your comfort zone.

The vast majority of people want to stay in their comfort zone.

You can't expect magic to appear when you always do the same things over and over again. You need to step up and start doing new things.

Fear of failure is generally the reason that people stay in their comfort zone.

6) Consistency is the key to success.

In any activity in life, perseverance is necessary if you want to stand out from other people.

7) Take care of your health.

Exercise, eat and sleep well.

The better you treat your body, the better you will feel and the better results you will have in any area of ​​life. Successful people have time to prepare healthy meals and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Not having time to exercise or eat healthy is silly. If you have time to watch TV or check Facebook, you also have time to take care of your body.

8) Don't get discouraged with failures.

Failures are inevitable in life. I do not know anyone who has not had a failure in any area of ​​his life. The difference between successful people and the rest is in how they deal with such failures. If you use your failures as an opportunity to improve and resume your activities with more courage, you will be assured of success in what you are doing.

9) Do not settle into inactivity.

The bed and the sofa are the killers of life. The bed is for a night's rest (and other things ) but not for lying around lazing around or crying. Get up and go for a walk. Think of new directions you can give your life that can help you achieve what you want.

10) Accept those things that we cannot change.

There is a saying or prayer that says: Give me serenity Lord, to accept the things that I cannot change ”, serenity to accept, but also give me courage, courage, drive and enthusiasm to be able to change those that I can change, and give me the wisdom it takes to discern between what I can and what I can't.

Do not waste your time and energy on those things that do not depend on you. Focus on those things that you can really improve.

11) Take time each day to motivate yourself.

We all need to remember why we spend so much time on that activity in which we want to excel. Maybe you want to get more money, fame, recognition, ... Whatever the cause, you must remember why you do it and visualize in your mind the moment when you will achieve your goal.

12) Enthusiasm.

This last tip is related to # 4. If you choose to do something that you like, you are sure to do it with enthusiasm and passion. These attitudes will lead to success in your company.

13) Focus on being productive (which is very different from being busy).

Get in the habit of eliminating the phrase "I'm busy" from your vocabulary, rather say "I can't do it because it's not a priority for me."

All people have 24 hours a day. It is you who must assign those priority tasks for you.

When you wake up, dedicate yourself to doing a single task that makes a difference in your life. It will be your key task. Set a key task every day and do it.

14) Add value

You have to contribute something of value whatever your occupation. TYour success will be determined by how much value you are able to contribute to others.

Surely in your work you have competitors who offer the same as you. If you are able to add more value than your competitors, you will place yourself above them.

I would like to know your opinion about all this we have talked about. What is, in your opinion, what really determines the success of a person?

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      Daniel ricci said

    Very good

      Alfredo Jose Vega Fragozo said

    you have to put it into practice

      Iokito Packk said

    Very good t0d00 ...

    This zuperr chiillleroo ...

      Iver Andres Vides Poma said

    we will see if this works they are very good advice by the way

      JZ Admirer said

    Well that's what I want when I grow up I want to live with my friends and have everything and a good job 😀

      leonardo said

    It's good I like the positive

      Sandro said

    Very good post. The truth is that everything depends on how we see life. And try to help the neighbor who lives with a negative attitude as much as possible. Now my question is: can we live with a neutral attitude ???? (If there is a negative and a positive attitude, there will be a neutral one ????).

         Rupay.WJ said

      I can't do it because it's not a priority for me »thank you ...

      Lovera Cristian Lazaro said

    Very interesting =)

      victor franco said

    I did not know that failing was good ... umm gives me a lot to reflect on lol if I count how many failures I have had uff is incredible and I felt bad about that? But now reading I see that ftacating is part of the business of life and so we become more strong and we no longer make the same mistakes ... Thanks for your advice friend ummm I was very bad now I can smile because I know that failing bo is bad ... I mean I can keep trying and if I fail it doesn't matter I can move on! ...

      junior gs said

    that is very true in life if one sets out to do it, everything will turn out as one wants

      hwct said

    Very good advice I've been upstairs and I know why it happens to me

      wuillan said

    Very good advice. hopefully they will be useful to many people

      leisley said

    If really many of us are afraid of failure and well what you say the more unsuccessful attempts the more I succeed to not return to be afraid to try

      ronny sequera said

    It is good advice for those of us who want to get ahead successfully

      Anonymous said

    It seems to me that all these tips are super good, I am going to take each one at face value, this will surely help me a lot. That's good..

      Garrigue Merino said

    wauuu, impressive I hope it works with me but above all I put my effort and perseverance

      Igor said

    Hey, very good in the part that says that we should take care of ourselves and eat well.

      alfred david said

    The truth is that I read this and it did me very well, since I am not having a good time in my life and I did not know how to get out I hope I can put this into practice and help me get out of the well where I am, thank you ...

         alfred david said

      sorry I correct it is a bad moment of my life

      Alexander david said

    READ THIS COMMENT, FRIEND: I am sure that I will achieve success in my life. Being positive and hitting everything. If you want to be successful, take care of your body, read study, remember, there are no excuses. Beethoven could have excused himself in his deafness for not composing music. Milton could excuse himself in his blindness to write poetry or Bolívar could excuse himself in his first 17 defeats for not aspiring to be the Liberator of America. There are also millions of people who achieved success and achieved it because they believed that success was true.

      Giulia Schiaffino Gomez said

    What happens when you go failure after failure, but it is due to circumstances that you do not believe and cannot handle, like government things, a strike that does not allow you to close a business, that costs go up and you have to raise your prices but your clients are They are scared to see that what they calculated to pay is higher now and they no longer buy your product.
    How to survive those failures that even leave you without money.

      john maicol said

    Excellent I would love to receive more tips for personal and financial success to my email

      eustakia said

    Thank you

      daniel geronimo madrid nunez said

    I'm really not good at contributing a comment. that if I am sure it is that I have a goal to meet and that is to be successful in life I want to change I want to do my best so that the world knows that every human being can have a new opportunity and that for once you fail not be ashamed. just that and thank you I did not know that the solution was in me, I only know if I can achieve it if I want and I am willing. And if one day I get to decline I hope it is not because I say I can not.

      mari said

    Excellent advice on positivism and the desire to move on in the face of any situation or demotivation that you have ... in my case I particularly have a defect, I think a lot to do things or make decisions, it is difficult for me even when I mostly know what I should do; or what is the best for me ...

      What was it said

    Sometimes failures help us not to make the same mistakes again and thus achieve. THE SUCCESS

      Alberto Nogales said

    excellent reasoning,
    But as my grandfather said, if you are born to hammer from heaven, the nails will fall
    you can work hard, learn from failures, even be relatively successful,
    Well, life is what happens to you while you try to put your plans into motion,
    And at the end of all this effort, it turns out that you are a member of a miserable system manufactured by politicians who suck your blood ,,, as it seems the true success, is in living at the expense of another with the minimum effort ,,,

      osvaldo said

    it seems perfect to me

      lita faride said

    I learn that failure is part of life. it makes you stronger, you learn from each failure it is hard but at the end of the storm peace comes, love sisero without grudges.

      Daniela Sepulveda said

    Success for me before reaching it, we go through obstacles, but obstacles are what make us grow and become better people every day and with God everything is possible except an announced death.

      isba said

    Very good advice ...

      pepe flowers said

    Thank you very much brother, you have just cured me of an elephant depression that I had for 40 years. You are the best of all, thank you and a thousand thanks I love you

      viviana said

    that good advice that helps to motivate, for each day to be a better person.