Fred's emotional letter to his recently deceased wife

At 96 years Fred did not imagine that his letter would be shared by everyone. Fred Stobaugh had just lost his wife to whom he had been married for 73 years. They both shared his passion for music.

A music recording studio held a contest to choose the best singer and songwriter of the summer. Fred saw the advertisement for the contest in the newspaper and decided to enter.

The recording studio received many songs but only one letter caught their attention. It did not include any video, criteria collected in the contest.

When the producer of the music studio, Jacob Colgan, opened the envelope, he was shocked. It was a letter from a 96-year-old man that included a photo of him and his wife when they were young. Colgan read Fred Stobaugh's letter and learned that his wife had just passed away. The couple had been married for 73 years.

The letter was very moving. Fred told what they liked to do. They loved music and used to go on excursions together. In the letter, Fred included a song that he wrote in memory of his wife. It was titled «Oh sweet lorraine»('Oh sweet Lorraine').

The music studio decided to record Fred's song and make a video that tells the story of Fred and Lorraine:

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      Fernando said

    A moving story, one of those that make you lift your spirits, Thank you Daniel, your page is one of my references, it helps me a lot.

         Daniel said

      What a pleasure to receive comments like yours

      Kidney said

    It is a beautiful love story. Thank you Daniel for sharing it, it makes me feel very good about the teachings that you share to feed the soul. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

      Patricia said

    Thank you, I really liked that you shared this story, because of what it tells us in the present where most music has lyrics of heartbreak, infidelity, promiscuity, anger etc ... few are those who write about love, the couple and mutual respect , The positive. So I really enjoyed reading this story in the present that we live so globalized. Have a great day ? ?